Impeachment should be on the table, shouted in the streets, enacted in the Halls of Congress. To create the political will, many of us have been working for years to create a groundswell of opposition to the criminal activities of the current occupants of the White House. Speaking on the show will be activists who have been working for some time on impeachment and will be able to give us an update on the national campaigns underway.
Jacob Park is the webmaster for http://www.a28.org working on the theme of "Spelling it Out" on a national day of impeachment action.
Amillie Coster, organizer for the Coney Island Impeach Beach action, http://volunteerforchange.org/event/details/975 .
Lew Brown is the coordinator behind the "National Shopping Boycott for Impeachment for Peace and Justice," the "We Are Not Buying It!" campaign at http://www.wearenotbuyingit.org .
Brad Newsham was the moving force behind the Impeach Beach action in San Francisco last January and is working on a more ambitious project for April 28th "Bodies Count" at http://beachimpeach.com/ and also on the beach again in San Francisco.
Nancy Mancias, assistant to the cofounder of CODEPINK - http://www.codepink4peace.org/, Medea Benjamin. She is a key organizer in the San Francisco anti-war community and supports war resisters in the US and Canada. Nancy is a theatre arts professional and is on the Board of Directors for Intersection for the Arts, San Francisco's oldest alternative art space. CODEPINK is organizing a march for impeachment to Nancy Pelosi's house- http://www.pelosiwatch.org, following the Impeach Beach action on April 28th.
Sadly Dennis Loo, co-editor of the book- Impeach the President- The Case Against Bush and Cheney, and the moving force behind the "Show It Off!!!" campaign http://www.showitoffnow.blogspot.com (Wear your politics on your sleeve and don Impeachment attire prior to the National Day of Impeachment) had to cancel at the last minute, but you can find links to his other interviews on http://dennisloo.blogspot.com/.
I have also invited other activists, but everyone is pretty busy these days- speaking out, organizing... There is a wealth of activity going on right now across the nation, with many, many groups participating in creative efforts to raise the dialogue and action on Impeachment. If you would like to join us on the program tonight, to share your actions and ideas, the call in numbers are- 512-646-6449 or 888-202-1984.
Locally, we held a 411 on 911 Rally and March for 9/11 Truth and Impeachment on Wednesday, details of which are posted at http://www.communitycurrency.org/impeach.html.
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