Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 23, 2008- 5-11 Campaign Against Real I.D. Show with Katherine Albrecht, Rep. James Guest, Sheila Dean

Listen 8:00- 9:00 pm (PST) to the WeThePeopleRadioNetwork.com and to our guests- Katherine Albrecht and Jim Guest.

Listen 9:00- 10:00 pm (PST) to the WeThePeopleRadioNetwork.com and to our guest- Sheila Dean

Katherine Albrecht, of CASPIAN (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering), is the co-author of Spychips: How Major Corporations Plan to Track your Every Move with RFID. In a nod to the book's focus on freedom, Spychips was awarded the prestigious Lysander Spooner Award for Advancing the Literature of Liberty and named "the best book on liberty" for 2005. (She is also a Radio Host on WTPRN.

Katherine graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration with a concentration in International Marketing. She holds a Doctorate in Education from Harvard University with a research focus in consumer education, privacy and psychology.

James Guest is a Missouri State Representative (elected in 2002) and formed the coalition Legislators Against Real ID which includes lawmakers from 34 states to file bills that oppose or protest Real ID. About a dozen states have active legislation against Real ID, including Arizona, Georgia, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming.

Rep. James Guest stated:

    "This is almost a frontal assault on the freedoms of America when they require us to carry a national ID to monitor where we are. That's going too far."

Sheila Deanis the blog Editor for BeatTheChip.org and Campaign manager for the 5-11 Campaign: Texans Against Real ID's . Sheila has been involved with media activism for World Can't Wait, The Los Angeles National Impeachment Center, Dennis Kucinich, Author Michael Weinstein, David Swanson, Ron Paul, and Focus The Nation, a national green teach-in event for Santa Monica College and UCLA. She writes-

    Since May 11th, 2008, states nationwide are grappling with Real IDs - a Congressional mandate for a nationalized ID card with potential to end identity security and privacy as we know it by late 2009. Those favoring the passage of The Real ID Act of 2005 have heralded it's amenity for both post-911 securities and an answer to documenting immigrants. Those who oppose it know the expensive federalized database technologies approved by the Department of Homeland Security to be grossly insecure while balking at the pan-American aspects of the IDs to cross Canadian and Mexican borders. Supreme Court lawsuits are stacking up from Texans suffering from the waiver of 36 federal laws based on the Act's call for a Mexican border wall fence. The mandated demands on state funding to use intrusive machine readable technologies top the list of complaints for those who seek to stop The Real ID Act of 2005.

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