Listen 8:00- 9:00 pm (PST) to the WeThePeopleRadioNetwork.com and to our guests - Darlene Wallach, Kathleen Wang, Hedy Epstein, and Greta Berlin.
Listen 9:00- 10:00 pm (PST) to the WeThePeopleRadioNetwork.com and to our guests - Mary Hughes-Thompson, Bill Dienst, and David Halpin.
Our guests are part of The Free Gaza Movement who are gathering in Cyprus to voyage to the Gaza Strip to break through the blockade against urgently needed medical supplies. They write on their website:
Mission Statement
We want to break the siege of Gaza. We want to raise international awareness about the prison-like closure of the Gaza Strip and pressure the international community to review its sanctions policy and end its support for continued Israeli occupation. We want to uphold Palestine's right to welcome internationals as visitors, human rights observers, humanitarian aid workers, journalists, or otherwise.
Who are we?
We are these human rights observers, aid workers, and journalists. We have years of experience volunteering in Gaza and the West Bank at the invitation of Palestinians. But now, because of the increasing stranglehold of Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine, many of us find it almost impossible to enter Gaza, and an increasing number have been refused entry to Israel and the West Bank as well. Despite the great need for our work, the Israeli Government will not allow us in to do it.
We are of all ages and backgrounds. Back home, we are teachers, medics, musicians, secretaries, parents, grandparents, lawyers, students, activists, actors, playwrights, politicians, singer-songwriters, web designers, international training consultants, and even a former Hollywood film industry worker and an aviator. We are South African, Australian, American, English, Israeli, Palestinian, and more.
What are we going to do?
We've tried to enter Palestine by land. We've tried to arrive by air. Now we're getting serious. We're taking a ship.
Darlene Wallach is a software engineer from San Jose. She and her sister, Donna, have been tireless activists for years working on a number of causes, especially those for peace and justice in the Middle East. In 2002 Darlene was one of eight International Solidarity Movement activists arrested by Israeli Forces and began fasting to protest her illegal arrest. Donna will also be joining the others on the ship.
Kathleen Wang is 65 years old and a great grandmother. She has 7 grandchildren and 3 grown children. She belongs to Women in Black LA. This is her frist trip to Palestine.
She became interested in Palestine after the 2000 Intifada started and learned over time that this is not just a tit for tat fight between 2 entities.
- "It is the gross oppression and dominance of a militaristic Israel forcing an unarmed indigenous population of Palestinians to submit to untold control over them and suffering."
Hedy Epstein was born in 1924 in Germany. She was 8 years old when Adolf Hitler came to power. She went to England on a children's transport, part of the almost 10,000 children that England took in between December 1938 and September 1, 1939, the beginning of World War II. She never saw her family again.
After the war, Hedy went back to Germany to work for the American government. First she was with the US Civil Censorship Division, and later she worked at the Nuremberg Medical Trial, which tried the doctors accused of performing medical experiments on concentration camp inmates.
She came to the United States in 1948. Soon, she became active professionally and personally in the causes of civil and human rights and social justice. Some of her causes have included fair housing, abortion rights, and antiwar activities. As a peace delegate, Hedy journeyed to Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Cambodia in 1989. Hedy visited the Israeli Occupied West Bank five times since 2003, to witness the facts on the ground. She participated in several non-violent demonstrations, together with Israelis, Palestinians & other internationals, in opposition to Israel's occupation of Palestinian land, the 25-foot high cement wall, and the demolition of Palestinian homes and olive orchards.
She has written many articles on social issues, and her autobiography was published in May 1999 by Unrast-Verlag, a German company. The book, titled "Erinnern ist nicht genug: Autobiographie von Hedy Epstein" ("Remembering Is Not Enough: The Autobiography of Hedy Epstein"), is available in German.
Greta Berlin, is a 66 year old businesswoman from Los Angeles. She is the mother of two Palestinian-American children and has been to the occupied territories twice in the past four years with the International Solidarity Movement. She is also a member of Women in Black Los Angeles. In a June 2007 interview by Silvia Cattori entitled Sailing to Gaza Greta said:
"When I lived in Chicago, Illinois I married a Palestinian refugee from l948. That's when I began to learn the truth about Israel's ethnic cleansing of 750,000 Palestinians in order to establish a Jewish state. As I became more involved in the 60s and 70s, a group called the Jewish Defence League threatened by two small children, saying they would kill them if we continued to work for justice for the Palestinians.
"For almost 20 years I left the struggle, raising the children and working on my career. I wasn't going to jeopardize their safety for a cause I supported.
"In 1997, with my children grown and gone, I started to write letters and advocate again. I couldn't believe that almost 20 years had passed, and the situation for the Palestinians was worse by the day. On September 29, 2000, Mohammed Al Dura, a little 12-year-old boy in Gaza was murdered by an Israeli sniper. Someone just happened to catch the killing on video. I was appalled and returned.
"When Rachel Corrie was crushed to death in March, 2003 and Tom Hurndall was shot through the head several days later; both human rights workers with the International Solidarity Movement in Gaza, I made a commitment to go to the occupied territories to see for myself what Israel was doing to a people it occupies...
"Those of us who have volunteered for the ISM are peaceful and believe in nonviolently demonstrating against the occupation. The only terrorism that I witnessed in the five months I was there in 2003 and 2005 was the Israeli military violence against us and the illegal settler violence against the Palestinians and those of us who were trying to protect them. I was shot in the leg by a rubber-coated steel bullet while protesting against that dreadful wall Israel is building. And I, like hundreds of peace activists, have had tear gas and sound bombs thrown at me in Bil'in. While escorting Palestinian children to school in Hebron, settler children threw rocks at us, wounding me in the hand and the thigh.
"Almost everyone on board this boat has been beaten, shot, or tear-gassed by the Israeli military. Many of us have been arrested for protecting women and children. Israeli authorities know that we aren't connected in any way to any terrorist organization.
"But Israel is terrified that we come back to our countries and tell the truth of what happens to an occupied people. That's what they really fear- the truth.
"We are all committed to going to Gaza. And we are eagerly awaiting the support of all progressive people to join with us. Even if we don't land, we will have tried, and we will have told the world the situation. I believe that all of the people on the boat feel the same way. We know what the obstacles are. And this is not the only voyage. We will continue to return as part of a strategy of bringing the truth of Israel's occupation to the world."
Mary Hughes Thompson was born in Lancashire in 1933, lived in Canada from 1953 to 1961, when she moved to California, where she worked in the motion picture and television industry. She is a member of the Writers Guild of America and a private pilot. She wrote Olive Orchards and Armed Zealots in 2002 about her experience in Palestine, as part of the International Solidarity Movement when she was attacked by settlers.
Dr. Bill Dienst is a Family and Emergency Room physician in Omak, in rural Washington State. He has traveled to the Middle East four times, but he considers that he was raised as a product of the arms race. His father was an Air Force Colonel.
In Medical School he became active with peace groups. In 1985 after taking an intensive summer course in Arabic, he spent over 5 months in Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza volunteering with various Palestinian healthcare organizations.
He has enjoyed a wealth of cross cultural experiences in medicine with Crow and Northern Cheyenne Native American patients during his 3 years in Montana with the Indian Health Service, and with Colville tribal members and Hispanic patients in Okanogan County. He enrolled in immersion Spanish language courses in Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico totaling 6 weeks, where he lived with local families who did not speak English. He took three trips to Veracruz, Mexico with the Family Medicine Exchange Program, and has visited Cuba, as well as as Gaza.
In 2005 he was part of a delegation sponsored by Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility to Israel/Palestine. They met with prominent Palestinian groups and mostly Israeli Peace activists, and wrote all about it. In 2006 he volunteered with Palestine Medical Relief Society for one month in the North West Bank and in Gaza. His photo-journals from both trip are posted on electronicintifada.net/ (Enter Dienst in the search engine to find them).
David Halpin was born in Lyndhurst, England in 1940. He attended medical school at St Mary’s, Paddington. During his training David met his future wife, Sue, a nurse.
In 1964 he graduated and a glittering career followed, including teaching anatomy at King’s College, London, and working as a senior house officer at Bristol,posts at Exeter and Truro, six months teaching at Harvard, and an appointment as a consultant at Torbay and Princess Elizabeth hospitals in 1974. He also ventured into private practice. The intensely competitive nature of the surgical world drove that choice for him; success was often measured by the popularity of a surgeon’s private practice.
David and Sue adopted two children and fostered fourteen, from newborns to 16-year-olds, including three pairs of siblings. His love for children is one of the forces that drives him. He often says:
"We have three beautiful grandchildren - girls. I look at their lustrous skin and hair and into their happy blue eyes. In those eyes I see the two billions of our world's children. They are all equally precious. Not one should be harmed."
He is passionate about the plight of the Palestinian people and was vehemently opposed to the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2002 David wanted to help the Palestinians, when a brilliant idea occurred to him. He would buy or charter a boat, fill it with food and medical supplies, and sail to Palestine. The voyage of The Dove and the Dolphin in the Danish MV Barbara started from Haldon Quay, Torquay on 1st February 2003 and finished the 3,100 sea miles to Gaza sixteen days later. The £70,000 cost of the mercy ship mission was paid by the Halpins and over £20,000 of donations from the public paid for the food. The voyage was a success, the Palestinians received the aid David Halpin supplied, and the publicity raised international consciousness of the Palestinian plight. He has visited Palestine six times since the voyage.
He also entered the public arena, with a group of other doctors, to seek a proper investigation of Dr David Kelly’s death. He says it is impossible that Dr Kelly died of haemorrhage from one small wrist artery, which is the first official cause of death. Furthermore, he considers it preposterous that this top scientist who knew all about the biology of death would have chosen a blunt pruning knife and co-proxamol tablets for his suicide. David Halpin was the first to publish these questions. His website is dhalpin.infoaction.org.uk.
SS Free Gaza and SS Liberty Arrive in Chania, Crete, Saturday, 9 August at 21:00 p.m.
Nicosia/Lefkosia, Cyprus, August 7. The Free Gaza Movement announced today that their boats, destined to break the Israelis' siege of Gaza, will arrive in Chania, Crete, on Saturday, August 9, at 9 p.m. and that a press conference will be held to welcome their arrival. "Internationals are gathering across the world – in Beijing and Cyprus – with the common dream of peace and justice for everyone."
Human rights activists Lauren Booth, journalist, (sister in law of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair), Huwaida Arraf (a Palestinian-American residing in Ramallah, Palestine), and Jeff Halper (an Israeli Jew who was nominated for the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize for opposing demolitions of Palestinian homes) will be available at the press conference for interviews.
"This will be the first time that our two boats will be publicly displayed and photographers are welcome to come, take photos and post their images." said Paul Larudee, on board the boats sailing toward Chania.
The Free Gaza Movement is endorsed by an impressive array of international groups and personalities including South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Former Prime Minister of Lebanon Dr. Salim Al-Hoss. For additional information, www.freegaza.org
We are a week late, but we are more determined than ever to go to Gaza. By now, almost half of the people are on board or traveling to the boats, and those of us left in Cyprus are finishing up our training, working on banners and trying to control our impatience. When we called the people of Gaza to tell them we would arrive a week late, their reply was, "Don't worry. We know you are coming. And we are waiting," a testament to their confidence that 40 Internationals, two small boats, and tremendous media attention can somehow defeat the Israeli Navy.
Some of the survivors of the USS Liberty have written to us and asked us to be on one of their programs tomorrow night. They wrote this request of us:
What is the possibility of you and the crew of the SS Liberty throwing 34 long stemmed roses into the sea as a memorial to the 34 Americans who were killed aboard the USS LIberty? We will pay for the roses or whatever else you have in mind. I guarantee you our newspaper American Free Press will give a HUGE spread in the paper for it. The survivors of the LIberty and their familes would be eternally grateful to you and your ship mates for this gesture as no one has ever done anything like this before.
Another wrote:
I am one of the survivors of the USS Liberty. A very tired man who woke up somewhat when I heard of the
SS Liberty. I was the petty officer in charge of the body recovery and identification, and I remember it almost like it was yesterday.
May God Be With You
So, when we leave Cyprus next week, we hope to have a ceremony for all of those Americans killed by the Israelis on board the ship in 1967.
The media attention has been intense in Europe, people calling constantly asking for interviews. If you GOOGLE Free Gaza, Cyprus, you will see dozens of stories about us and the boats and the response from here. So many angels have stepped in to help, from offering us their homes, feeding us, and driving us around to media appointments. One man called us today and told us that he would loan us the money to cover our expenses for the boats and the equipment, because, "You are making history."
Greta Berlin
The Free Gaza Movement
Please forward to all lists! Protect Human rights Mission to Gaza! U.S. Congress – Hear us: No more harm to peaceful activists!
We need as many as possible to gather for a VIGIL AND DEMONSTRATION at DIANE FEINSTEIN’s SF Office 2-6 pm, Thursday, August 21 at One Post Street / Market, San Francisco
1. We are concerned about ANONYMOUS, CRIMINAL DEATH THREATS, at least one of which came out of Tel Aviv, to avowed-nonviolent human rights workers on board two boats due this weekend to sail from Cyprus to Gasa on a strictly nonviolent HUMAN RIGHTS Mission.
2. In addition, the ISRAELI MILITARY HAS THREATENED to "use force" against them, to prevent their reaching Gaza, according to both Israeli news and a letter to the Free Gaza Movement from the Public Relations Director of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Tony Blair’s sister-in-law, esteemed, independent UK journalist Lauren Booth, a member of this mission, writes on www.freegaza.org : "...an anonymous man called my home in France as my daughters played hide and seek in the garden. This stranger spoke to my husband, warning him that 'your wife is in great danger. These ships will be blown up.' My husband asked how this person had obtained our private home number. No response was forthcoming; the illicit threats carried on." Peace activists’ relatives in Gaza and West Bank have also received threats. Sixteen members of this group are from the U.S. -- eight from California, of whom four are from the Bay Area.* We are asking as many people as possible to join us in asking Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi to use their considerable power to protect these nonviolent human-rights activists. If they issue a statement, Israel will listen. We are urging our Congresspeople to call on Israel to desist from violence against all nonviolent human rights activists! ACTION: Please wear as much white as possible -- white shirt, white slacks/skirt/dress, white jacket, and print out the flyer (available as a pdf asap) to carry at the vigil and to hand to people who pass by! (If you can't download the flyer we can email it to you as an attachment.) For more information see www.FreeGaza.org and read the press release below.
Please, please, please, turn out for this. No more Rachel Corries, Tom Hurndalls, Brian Averys, and the thousands of other victims that our leaders could have protected.
* Americans on board the two boats, the 21m. Free Gaza and the 18m. Liberty, include:
• Bay Area residents: Free Gaza co-founder Paul Larudee, 63, of El Cerrito; Katherine Sheetz, 61, of San Rafael; Donna Wallach, 57, and Darlene Wallach, of San Jose.
• Other Americans: 84-yr-old Holocaust survivor and 1948 U.S. immigrant Hedy Epstein, 81-year-old nun Sister Anne Montgomery of the Religious Order of the Sacred Heart; Free Gaza co-founder Greta Berlin, mother of two with a man born and raised in Safad, Palestine; Gaza-born, Northridge, CA businessman Monir M Deeb, 57; California native and www.P10K.net founder Ken O’Keefe, 39, former U.S. Marine; Thomas H Nelson, Oregon attorney; Lebanese-American writer and non-violence trainer Ramzi Kysia; San Francisco-born Lawrence Afif Tawil, 55, son of a Palestinian man “displaced” by the 1948 establishment of Israel; Dr. William Dienst, 48, of Omak, Washington.
End of an Odyssey
By Jeff Halper
Now, a few days after my release from jail in the wake of my trip to Gaza,I'm posting a few notes to sum things up.
First, the mission of the Free Gaza Movement to break the Israeli siege proved a success beyond all expectations. Our reaching Gaza and leaving has created a free and regular channel between Gaza and the outside world. It has done so because it has forced the Israeli government to make a clear policy declaration: that it is not occupying Gaza and therefore will
not prevent the free movement of Palestinians in and out (at least by sea). (Israel's security concerns can easily be accommodated by instituting a technical system of checks similar to those of other ports.) Any attempt on the part of Israel to backtrack on this - by preventing ships in the future from entering or leaving Gaza with goods and passengers, including Palestinians - may be immediately interpreted as an assertion of control, and therefore of Occupation, opening Israel to
accountability for war crimes before international law, something Israel tries to avoid at all costs. Gone is the obfuscation that has allowed Israel to maintain its control of the Occupied Territories without
assuming any responsibility: from now on, Israel is either an Occupying Power accountable for its actions and policies, or Palestinians have every right to enjoy their human right of traveling freely in and out of their country. Israel can no longer have it both ways. Not only did our two little boats force the Israel military and government to give way, then, they also changed fundamentally the status of Israel's control of Gaza.
When we finally arrived in Gaza after a day and a half sail, the welcome we received from 40,000 joyous Gazans was overwhelming and moving. People sought me out in particular, eager it seemed to speak Hebrew with an Israeli after years of closure. The message I received by people of all factions during my three days there was the same: How do we ("we" in the sense of all of us living in their country, not just Palestinians or
Israelis) get out of this mess? Where are WE going? The discourse was not even political: what is the solution; one-state, two-state, etc etc. It was just common sense and straightforward, based on the assumption that we will all continue living in the same country and this stupid conflict,
with its walls and siege and violence, is bad for everybody. Don't Israelis see that? people would ask me.
(The answer, unfortunately, is "no." To be honest, we Israeli Jews are the problem. The Palestinian years ago accepted our existence in the country as a people and are willing to accept ANY solution -- two states, one
state, no state, whatever. It is us who want exclusivity over the "Land of Israel" who cannot conceive of a single country, who cannot accept the national presence of Palestinians (we talk about "Arabs" in our country), and who have eliminated by our settlements even the possibility of the two-state solution in which we take 80% of the land. So it's sad, truly sad, that our "enemies" want peace and co-existence (and tell me that in HEBREW) and we don't. Yeah, we Israeli Jews want "peace," but in the meantime what we have -- almost no attacks, a feeling of security, a
"disappeared" Palestinian people, a booming economy, tourism and
ever-improving international status -- seems just fine. If "peace" means giving up settlements, land and control, why do it? What's wrong with the
status quo? If it's not broken, don't fix it.)
When in Gaza I also managed to see old friends, especially Eyad al-Sarraj of the Gaza Community Mental Health Program and Raji Sourani, Director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, whom I visited in his office. I also received honorary Palestinian citizenship, including a passport, which was very meaningful to me as an Israeli Jew.
When I was in Gaza everyone in Israel -- including the media who
interviewed me -- warned me to be careful, to watch out for my life.
Aren't you scared? they asked. Well, the only time I felt genuine and palpable fear during the entire journey was when I got back to Israel. I went from Gaza through the Erez checkpoint because I wanted to make the point that the siege is not only by sea. On the Israeli side I was
immediately arrested, charged with violating a military order prohibiting Israelis from being in Gaza and jailed at the Shikma prison in Ashkelon. In my cell that night, someone recognized from the news. All night I was
physically threatened by right-wing Israelis -- and I was sure I wouldn't make it till the morning. Ironically, there were three Palestinians in my cell who kind of protected me, so the danger was from Israelis, not Palestinians, in Gaza as well as in Israel. (One Palestinian from Hebron was in jail for being illegally in Israel; I was in jail for being illegally in Palestine.) As it stands, I'm out on bail. The state will probably press charges in the next few weeks, and I could be jailed for two or so months. I now am a Palestinian in every sense of the word: On Monday I received my Palestinian citizenship, on Tuesday I was already in an Israeli jail.
Though the operation was a complete success, the siege will only be genuinely broken if we keep up the movement in and out of Gaza. The boats are scheduled to return in 2-4 weeks and I am now working on getting a boat-load of Israelis.
My only frustration with what was undoubtedly a successful operation was with the fact that Israelis just don't get it - and don't want to get it. The implications of our being the strong party and the fact that the Palestinians are the ones truly seeking peace are too threatening to their hegemony and self-perceived innocence. What I encountered in perhaps a dozen interviews - and what I read about myself and our trip written by
"journalists" who never even attempted to speak to me or the others - was a collective image of Gaza , the Palestinians and our interminable conflict which could only be described as fantasy. Rather than inquire about my experiences, motives or views, my interviewers, especially on the
mainstream radio, spent their time forcing upon me their slogans and
uniformed prejudices, as if giving me a space to explain myself deal a
death blow to their tightly-held conceptions.
Ben Dror Yemini of the popular Ma'ariv newspaper called us a "satanic cult." Another suggested that a prominent contributor to the Free Gaza
Movement was a Palestinian-American who had been questioned by the FBI, as if that had to do with anything (the innuendo being we were supported, perhaps even manipulated or worse, by "terrorists"). Others were more
explicit: Wasn't it true that we were giving Hamas a PR victory? Why was I siding with Palestinian fishermen-gun smugglers against my own country which sought only to protect its citizens? Some simply yelled at me, like an interviewer on Arutz 99. And when all else failed, my interlocutors could always fall back on good old cynicism: Peace is impossible. Jews and Arabs are different species. You can't trust "them." Or bald assertions:
They just want to destroy us. Then there's the paternalism: Well, I guess it's good to have a few idealists like you around...
Nowhere in the many interviews was there a genuine curiosity about what I was doing or what life was like in Gaza . No one interested in a different perspective, especially if it challenged their cherished slogans. No one going beyond the old, tired slogans. Plenty of reference, though, to
terrorism, Qassam missiles and Palestinian snubbing our valiant efforts to make peace; none whatsoever to occupation, house demolitions, siege, land
expropriation or settlement expansion, not to mention the killing, imprisoning and impoverishment of their civilian population. As if we had nothing to do with the conflict, as if we were just living our normal,
innocent lives and bad people decided to throw Qassam rockets. Above all, no sense of our responsibility, or any willingness to accept responsibility for the ongoing violence and conflict. Instead just a thoughtless, automatic appeal to an image of Gaza and "Arabs" (we don't
generally use the term "Palestinians") that is diametrically opposed to what I've seen and experienced, a slavish repeating of mindless (and wrong) slogans which serve only to eliminate any possibility of truly
grasping the situation. In short, a fantasy Gaza as perceived from within a bubble carefully constructed so as to deflect any uncomfortable reality.
The greatest insight this trip has given me is understanding why Israelis don't "get it:" a media comprised by people who should know better but who possess little critical ability and feel more comfortable inside a box created by self-serving politicians than in trying to do something far more creative: understanding what in the hell is going on here.
Still, I formulated clearly my messages to my fellow Israelis, and that constitutes the main content of my interviews and talks:
(1) Despite what our political leaders say, there is a political
solution to the conflict and there are partners for peace. If anything, we of the peace movement must not allow the powers-that-be to mystify the conflict, to present it as a "clash of civilizations." The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is political and as such it has a political
(2) The Palestinians are not our enemies. In fact, I urge my fellow
Israeli Jews to disassociate from the dead-end politics of our failed
political leaders by declaring, in concert with Israeli and Palestinian peace-makers: We refuse to be enemies. And
(3) As the infinitely stronger party in the conflict and the only
Occupying Power, we Israelis must accept responsibility for our failed and oppressive policies. Only we can end the conflict.
Let me end by expressing my appreciation to the organizers of this initiative - Paul Larudee and Greta Berlin from the US, Hilary Smith and Bella from the UK, Vaggelis Pissias, a Greek member of the team who provided crucial material and political input, and Jamal al-Khoudri, an independent member of the PLC from Gaza and head of the Popular Committee
Against the Siege and others - plus the wonderful group of participants on the boats and the great communication team that stayed ashore. Special
appreciation goes to ICAHD's own Angela Godfrey-Goldstein who played a crucial role in Cyprus and Jerusalem in getting the word out. Not to forget our hosts in Gaza (whose names are on the Free Gaza website) and the tens of thousands of Gazans who welcomed us and shared their lives with us. May our peoples finally find the peace and justice they deserve
in our common land.
Jeff Halper is the Director of the Israeli Committee Against House
Demolitions (ICAHD). He sailed to Gaza on August 23rd aboard the SS Free Gaza. For more information on the ICAHD, please visit:
http://www.ICAHD.org. For more information on the Free Gaza Movement, please visit: http://www.FreeGaza.org. Jeff can be reached at jeff@icahd.org.
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